In May ’51 Jenny was born. In those days the husband took the wife to the hospital, then you were sent home again. Just stay by the phone, and we’ll let you know. The doctor, a woman, who did the delivery was a neighbour of the Balogs in Vaucluse. Ily remembered hearing her asking for the forceps: “Pass me the forceps. Haven’t used the bloody things for years”. Just to give mum confidence before she gets knocked out.
Jenny, Peter, Micky, circa 1959.
Micky was born in January ’53 and in August ’54, Peter came along. The stupid doctor who circumcised you used blunt tools. He was sawing away and sawing away, and the next thing I know I thought, that’s funny, why is this lamp sticking out from the wall? And then I realised I was flat on the floor and it wasn’t the wall I was looking at, it was the ceiling.
And so here I am today with my three children grown up. Not bad for someone who years ago said ‘this was not a world fit to bring children into’.
December 1999.